Friday, July 6, 2012

July 2012

AGM 5th July 2012

Patricia Reed is the new President of Friends of the Library Mount Gambier
and Barbara Wardley has joined the committee with responsibility for Bound by Books, the book discussion group.

President’s Report 2011-2012

Our Mission is to support Mount Gambier Library and its concept of
Learn – Connect – Explore.
I’ve been thinking about our endeavours  in the last year and I’m happy to say that we have achieved our aims which are:

  • to promote the Library within the community and encourage use of its resources
  • to undertake recreational activities and organise events
  • to raise funds to enable the expansion of cultural and educational projects
  • to seek additional support, sponsorship and funding.
The committee has had a smaller number of members this year, all of whom have worked well to further those aims.

 President - Helen Boomsma; Vice-President – Julienne Feast; Secretary – Lee Cranwell; Treasurer - Nelda Earl; Events Co-ordinator - Patricia Reed; Membership Officer - Cynthia Richardson then Louise Rockne; Young Friends - Chris Lloyd; committee members – Heather Zeck; ex-officio – library manager Cathryn Harris.
Our patron is Don Pegler MP.

 Thank you to all committee members for their hard work during the year.

 Our events have brought people into our wonderful Library and as a satisfactory side effect have raised funds to enable projects to expand.

 Bound by Books meets roughly every three months and has changed its format to more of a venue for book discussions rather than a forum for book groups. Diana Wiseman is an enthusiastic and efficient chairman who has guided  various panels in discussions of Mawson and other heroes of the Antarctic and Leaving the Ship, a discussion of the Titanic literature  and last year Caleb’s Crossing and The Education of Little Tree. Our own Louise Rockne has been a big hit on these panels.

 The Floral Art Workshop in October brought a different group of people to the Library all of whom learned lots and turned out beautiful floral arrangements under the guidance of the Famous Alethia Quick.

Several people have told me that the talk by Sophie Thomson of ABC’s Gardening Australia was the best event the Library has held: she came accompanied by son Beau and interesting gardening prizes for those quick off the mark to answer her questions.

 We have catered for various events throughout the year in spite of our determination not to be just coffee and cake providers. I think we are too good: everyone prefers Julienne’s homemade sausage rolls to the bought variety – so we have made a rod for our own backs!

 The Jewellery Raffle brought in about $500. We sold all our bears and have yet to think of a suitable replacement.

 We have run a cloakroom for the Blue Lake Boral Fun Run and escorted Father Christmas wearing the Library’s suit to a staff party at Woolworths, both of which will be recurring events.

 Julienne Feast has undertaken the delivery of Library books to residents of Resthaven.
In February we held a Chocolate event in conjunction with Friends of the Riddoch Gallery at which Alister Haigh, CEO of Haigh’s Chocolates, spoke about his company’s origins in Mount Gambier and took us through the manufacture of chocolate.

 The Big Book Sale was its usual success in spite of only running for one day – but the committee agrees one day is enough!

 The money we have raised throughout the year has been used for a Sony Digital Notetaker for our secretary to use in committee meetings, an electric urn for catering, a badgemaker for the Cave Club, keyboards for the print-disabled, $1000 worth of picture books and a laptop as prize for the most improved student in the Finding My Place programme.

My two year term has come to an end and now it’s someone else’s turn: good luck to wthe new President and may you have as an enjoyable time as I have had.
I move my report be accepted.
Helen Boomsma, President 2011-2012

 The Big Book Sale took place on Saturday 30th June, one day only and raised $1200. There are still some books for sale at the Library on the trolley just inside the front door.

The Library's programme Finding My Place culminated with a graduation ceremony on the 27th of June when 20 high school students received certificates and prozes for their participation in the programme.
Friends of the Library donated a laptop for the student most improved which was won by Zac Kells-Slaven from Grant High School.

Helen Boomsma of FOL, Terasa Nearmy convenor of Finding My Place, Bryon Harfield Deputy Mayor and Zac Kells-Slaven with his prize.

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