Friday, February 18, 2011

Meet the Author - Dee Nolan

see forthcoming FOL events at

Dee Nolan talked to a large audience at the Library about her pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, which was the inspiration for her beautiful book.
We learned abour the history of the camino, her motivation for doing it and her experiences
with food along the way and most importantly, how to care for the feet (very good shoes and socks.)
The photos in the book are glorious and we saw some of them on a short video.

Dee Nolan talks to a fan

 Collins Booksellers were on hand to sell the book
and Friends of the Library served supper including a tasting of Nolan's Road olive oil made from olives grown on Dee's property at Hynam.

Marie from Collins made a Santiago tart to match the one pictured in Dee's book.

Dee signing her book.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Audio book Presentation

see forthcoming Friends' events at

audioBook Presentation at the Library 2011

Patricia Ellis and Max Seebohm of Gambier Coachlines
Last year Max volunteered to donate an audio book to the Library.
It has finally arrived and on Valentine's Day he handed it over to Patricia Ellis.
It's Eat Pray Love written by Elizabeth Gilbert and is now available for loan.
Thank you Max and Gambier Coachlines.